About - Joan Ewer-Jordan

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My leaning towards art came from my Artist Father who trained in commercial art.

He later started up his own business, but still retained his desire to paint and draw, giving me encouragement from an early age to develop my own art.

I was educated at Sutton Court and Beaućlerc School for girls, where the Headmistress herself was a keen artist. She allowed me the use of her oil paints and was always on hand to offer advice. It was on her advice that I entered Art College to be trained as a professional artist.

Whilst at college I was commissioned to produce artwork for various companies.

On leaving college, I became a professional artist specialising in nudes, and straight portraiture for an International clientèle.

Although still immensely enjoying portraiture, I have always had a deep love for animals and the environment.

My husband shares this love of the natural world and we live with our pets in a secluded corner of Wales.

Our home is a small 200 year old unmodernised Pembrokeshire farmhouse. The approach to the house is a third of a mile unmettaled track where grasses and low growing wild flowers such as Primroses, vetch and clover grow along the centre spine. Some of the track is bordered by ancient hedgerows that burst with wild flowers and ferns.

Our large 2 ½ acre garden is cultivated in parts but left wild and undisturbed in others. Making for a wonderful varied habitat for wildlife of all forms. Areas left undisturbed attract wildlife onto the land and close to the house, where they become very trusting.

This gives me a wonderful opportunity to observe them at close hand, and allows me to capture their likeness through my art.

Because the location has been left largely unmolested by brutal intervention some little wild areas still remain.

It is the evocative quality of these intimate secret places that have inspired me to introduce fanatasy into some of my paintings.

I hope you will enjoy your browse through the galleries.

Thank you so much for your interest.
Copyright 2015 Joan Ewer-Jordan. All rights reserved.
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