Technique - Joan Ewer-Jordan

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I have used several mediums in the past for rendering my art, water colour, pen and inks, oil paints and acrylics and mixed media. Paintings are rendered on canvasses, wooden panels and artist card.

Although I heavily leaned on oil paints in my portraiture and other paintings in the past, I gradually moved over to acrylic paints as my dominant medium. They allow for great durability and versatility in my work.

The main reason for this was due to the increase in my portrait painting and having the completed portraits ready for dispatching to over seas clients in good time.

Acrylic paints have many desirable qualities. I can use them in much the same way as oil paints, giving me the same texture oil paints give you; but with one very desirable factor. They are fast drying without the problem of cracking that can happen with oil paints.

The fast drying allows me to complete a portrait in a much better time frame, ready for dispatch to the client compared to oil paints. With no discernible difference in the quality of the painting itself.

My portrait commissions are painted on traditional canvases.
Copyright 2015 Joan Ewer-Jordan. All rights reserved.
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